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Ghanaian Students Set to Shine at 2024 Scripps National Spelling Bee

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It’s an exciting time for Ghana and the entire African continent, three exceptional students are set to compete in the prestigious Scripps National Spelling Bee in the United States. Giovanni Adjei, N’Adom Darko-Asare, and Abena Kwaffo, the top three winners of Ghana’s National Spelling Bee 2024, will be representing their country and continent on this grand stage. They are the only African team participating in this year’s competition, making their journey even more significant.

Giovanni Adjei was crowned Ghana’s National Spelling Bee 2024 Champion. Giovanni has displayed remarkable dedication and skill. His passion for words and their meanings has inspired many young learners in Ghana. N’Adom Darko-Asare was the 1st Runner-Up in the competition.  N’Adom is known for her tenacity and calm demeanor under pressure. Her extensive preparation and love for linguistics have earned her a well-deserved spot in the team.  Abena Kwaffo, is the 2nd Runner-Up and her meticulous approach to learning and her competitive spirit have set her apart. She embodies the qualities of perseverance and excellence.

In the days leading up to their departure, the team had an encouraging visit from representatives of the Beyond the Return Secretariat. This gesture was a testament to the pride and support of the nation for these young ambassadors. During one of their final rehearsal sessions, the students showcased their spelling skills and received heartfelt words of encouragement.  

Their coaches are no strangers to this competition.  Dr. Darren Sackey, a former National Spelling Bee Champion (2010), brings his invaluable experience and insights to the team. His role as a coach and pronouncer has been pivotal in preparing the students for the international stage. “This brings back memories of when I was competing,” he said.  

Dr. Maurice Gorleku, is the 2009 1st Runner-Up and said he has dedicated his time to support the students because of his own experience in the competition. Dr. Gorleku’s expertise and mentoring have been crucial for the team’s development. His strategic guidance has helped the students navigate the challenges of the competition.

Salomé Dzakpasu is the Programmes Manager of the Young Educators Foundation, organizers of The National Spelling Bee in Ghana. She has been instrumental in supporting the journey of these young spellers. Her leadership ensures that the program continues to inspire and cultivate young talents.

Last night, the Beyond the Return Secretariat met the students at Kotoka International Airport to see them off as they travel to the United States for the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Family and well-wishers gathered to celebrate their achievements and to wish them luck. As a symbol of their cultural heritage and national pride, Giovanni, N’Adom, and Abena were presented with beautiful kente sashes. Draped in these vibrant, traditional sashes, over t-shirts with their faces on it and the slogan #GHToTheWorld the students set off on their journey, carrying the hopes and dreams of Ghana with them.

The participation of Giovanni, N’Adom, and Abena in the Scripps National Spelling Bee is more than just a personal achievement; it is a significant milestone for Ghana. It highlights the country’s commitment to academic excellence and its ability to compete on an international level. These students exemplify the spirit of determination and the pursuit of knowledge that is celebrated and encouraged in Ghanaian culture.

As they step onto the international stage, the entire nation stands behind them, cheering them on. Their journey is a testament to what can be achieved with hard work, dedication, and unwavering support from a community that believes in its young talents. 

Ivy Prosper

Digital Creator, Writer, Producer, Speaker