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Gina Belafonte Honors Her Father’s Legacy on First Visit to Ghana

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Gina Belafonte, daughter of the late legendary civil rights activist and entertainer Harry Belafonte, made her first trip to Ghana and described her experience as being deeply personal and transformative. She began her time in Ghana with the honor of adding her father’s name to the historic Sankofa Wall at the Diaspora Africa Forum on August 26, 2024. This ceremony celebrated not only Harry Belafonte’s impactful legacy but also Gina’s own commitment to continuing his work.

As the leader of, the social justice nonprofit founded by her father, Gina reflected on the irony of her first visit to the African continent having taken so long, considering the name of the organization, Sankofa, is a Ghanaian word. She said that it was incredible to be in Ghana, especially given her role with Sankofa. She said they have done so much to uplift the African diaspora, and yet, she had never set foot in Ghana until now. “I’ve been welcomed with such warm love and hugs,” she said, “There is something that happens spiritually here.”

Her visit marked a significant moment in the connection between African Americans and the African continent. Harry Belafonte, who was a fierce advocate for civil rights, spent his life creating links between African Americans and African nations, using his celebrity to spotlight social injustices worldwide. Gina’s trip to Ghana further deepened this connection, ensuring that her father’s memory remains in the history of the African diaspora.

At the Sankofa Wall ceremony, Belafonte shared her thoughts on Ghana’s significance as a spiritual home for many in the diaspora. She also remembered some of the things her father taught her. “There’s a roadmap that has been written by our ancestors, “ she said as she remembered her father. “For us to heal as a people, as human beings on this planet we need to tell our stories and use the example of our ancestors to do that,” she continued.  

Her presence in Ghana was another reminder of the growing recognition of the country as a go-to destination for African diasporans seeking to reconnect with their roots. The Sankofa Wall at the Diaspora Africa Forum serves as a symbol of remembrance and unity for notable figures in Black history, linking the past with the present and future.

Harry Belafonte’s name is immortalized on the wall among many other greats.

Ivy Prosper

Digital Creator, Writer, Producer, Speaker