In a heartwarming journey of purpose and passion, the members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, embarked on a mission that stretched beyond borders. With a keen focus on uplifting and supporting women and girls across the globe, the sorority set its sights on Ghana, Eswatini, and South Africa. Their mission was twofold – to assess the state of their ongoing projects and to explore new ways to enhance their international programming.
The significance of their journey was underscored by the warm welcome they received upon their arrival in Ghana. The Beyond the Return Secretariat was at the airport to greet them, along with the West African Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Inc., extending the hand of friendship and hospitality to these change-makers.
Under their International Awareness and Involvement (IAI) programmatic thrust, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has always been committed to bringing solutions to challenges that impact communities worldwide. Their primary focus is on initiatives that make a difference in the lives of women and girls.
Despite the challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Sorority remained resolute in its commitment to its seven international missions. Their efforts were truly remarkable, as reflected in the 20% increase in donations to the International Awareness and Involvement Sustainability Fund during the 2022 fiscal year. These donations were a testament to the unwavering support from individuals and chapters across the Sorority’s seven geographic regions.
As they embarked on their mission, the delegation had an ambitious itinerary to visit sites that hold a special meaning to them, sites where their work has made a real difference. The Adelaide Tambo School for the Physically Challenged in Soweto, South Africa, the Delta House at Vashti Village in Mbabane, Eswatini, and the TREE Project in Durban, South Africa, are all planned stops on their journey.
Their visit isn’t just about observing their ongoing projects. It is also an opportunity for the Sorority to engage with two of its international chapters established in 2021 – the West Africa Alumnae Chapter and the Southern Africa Alumnae Chapter. These chapters play a pivotal role in providing support to over 30 countries.
International President Elsie Cooke-Holmes expressed the deep commitment of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. to their ancestral homeland. She remarked, “Our global community is dealing with a great deal, and there is no better time for us, as an international sisterhood, to visit the projects so near and dear to our hearts. We are taking this mission trip to not only assess the quality of our current international programming, but to also appropriately plan for the future.”
Accompanying International President Elsie Cooke-Holmes on this important journey were members of the Board of Directors and representatives from each of the Sorority’s seven regions. Their collective dedication and commitment is truly inspiring.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. continues to be a beacon of hope and positive change, making a significant impact on the lives of women and girls across the globe. Their commitment to service and the betterment of communities remains unwavering, and their journey to Ghana, Eswatini, and South Africa is a testament to the power of compassion and determination. We look forward to witnessing the incredible work that will result from this inspiring journey.
Story by: Ivy Prosper